Exodus: Bread From Heaven, Water From Rock

Exodus: Bread From Heaven, Water From Rock

Ordinarily, bread doesn’t come from Heaven. Ordinarily, water doesn’t come from rocks. But in Exodus 16, they did! God provided for His people using the most unexpected means. Click to hear Part 7 of our new series on the Book of Exodus.

Exodus: The Ten Plagues Of Egypt

Exodus: The Ten Plagues Of Egypt

In Week 4 of our new series, we review the ‘ten plagues of Egypt. ‘Why did God send these plagues? Why did it take more than one (let alone ten) before Pharaoh let God’s people go? And what was God’s reason for ‘hardening Pharaoh’s heart?’ Click to learn more.

Exodus: Let My People Go!

Exodus: Let My People Go!

In Exodus 5, God was not messing around. He was clear in His decree to Pharaoh – “let My people go.” However, Pharaoh resisted. He ignored God’s messenger (Moses) and he rejected God’s demand. In fact, He began to oppress the people even worse. This was not going to end well for Pharaoh!

Exodus: The Burning Bush

Exodus: The Burning Bush

In Exodus 3, God met Moses in the form of a ‘burning bush. ‘What are we to make of this theophany? And what did God tell Moses at this time? In this week’s sermon, we consider the great “I AM” statement and the commission that God gave to Moses (to rescue His people from bondage).

Running The Race (Hebrews 12)

Running The Race (Hebrews 12)

In this excellent sermon from Hebrews 12, Rev. Gardner Fish talks about what it means to “run the race” of faith.”Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the …

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