Month: September 2022

Stand Up And Speak Out (A Call To Courage)

Stand Up And Speak Out (A Call To Courage)

The Gospel is NOT toothless. The Gospel is NOT weak. In Scripture, we see that the Gospel is the “power of God” unto salvation. We should treat it that way – as a lion to be let out, not as something to hide, package or subjugate. Just preach it!

Church Life: Do Christians Really Need The Church

Church Life: Do Christians Really Need The Church

For a Christian, is church OPTIONAL? In other words, do you really NEED the church? Why or why not? Spoiler alert: you do need the church. According to Scripture, the church is not optional, but essential. Click to learn why.

Job: Tried, Tested, And Finally Restored

Job: Tried, Tested, And Finally Restored

Your suffering is NOT forever. There are BETTER DAYS ahead. How do we know? Well consider God’s servant, Job. Yes, Job cried a lot of tears. Yes, Job hurt. But in time, all those tears and pains were wiped away. Join us for the final encouraging chapter in our short study of Job.