Month: May 2024

Genesis: The Tower Of Babel

Genesis: The Tower Of Babel

God told the people to go outward. Instead, they went upward.

“Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth,” God told the people. But they said no – in their minds, it was safer and smarter to stay in one place. And so, they built a formidable ‘tower’ in Genesis 11. In today’s study, we’ll read about that tower (and God’s response).

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why was God angered by the building of this tower?

B) Why did God confuse the language of the builders?

C) What relationship does Genesis 11 have with Acts 2 (Pentecost)?



Genesis: Noah And The Great Flood

Genesis: Noah And The Great Flood

The wrong question: how did all the animals fit in the ark?

The most crucial question of Genesis 6 is NOT about the animals. Not at all. Rather, it is this: why was an ark needed in the first place? In other words, why was God willing to flood the entire globe, only six chapters after creating it? Seems drastic. So why did God do it, and what does it tell us about the future?

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) In what way did the flood typify the wrath of God ‘poured out?’

B) In what way did the ark typify Jesus Christ? Is Jesus in this text?

C) Why did Christ refer to future days as being ‘like the days of Noah?’



Genesis: A Murder East Of Eden

Genesis: A Murder East Of Eden

That didn’t take long, did it?

You might have thought Genesis 4 couldn’t go worse than Genesis 3 – that mankind would have learned its lesson. Surely man would do better! Surely he’d turn away from sin! However, before Genesis 4 was over, a blood soaked corpse proved otherwise.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Cain kill his brother? What was wrong with his sacrifice?

B) Why did God warn Cain that ‘sin lay at his door?’

C) Is it possible that sin is at our door as well? What should we do?

Genesis: Temptation And Fall In The Garden

Genesis: Temptation And Fall In The Garden

One sin. That’s all it took.

In our day, sin is treated casually – as a marketing device (think ‘Sin City’) and rarely as a spiritual anchor. But one sin is all it took for man to be thrown out of the garden, and for chaos to sweep the created realm. This tells us two things: 1) sin must be really bad, and 2) God must be really holy.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What ‘tool’ did the serpent use to attack Eve in the garden?

B) What is the purpose of the fiery sword at the garden’s edge?

C) Why are the words ‘Genesis 4’ the best words in any language?

