Month: August 2023

Matthew: Introduction And Intertestamental Age

Matthew: Introduction And Intertestamental Age

Who was Matthew? What is the Book of Matthew all about?

In Part 1 of our new study, we will introduce this Gospel and talk about the audience that it was originally written to – the Israelites. While Matthew contains truth and wisdom for all people, it was intended to explain the person and work of Jesus to Matthew’s Jewish contemporaries.In addition to introducing the Book of Matthew, we’ll also talk about the ‘intertestamental age’ that preceded its writing.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why was God ‘silent’ for over 400 years?

B) What differentiates Matthew from the other Gospel accounts?

C) Why are there two different genealogies (in Matthew and Luke)?

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Toby B. Holt

The God Who Keeps His Promises

The God Who Keeps His Promises

Throughout the Old Testament, God made a series of incredible promises – promises that defied His people’s expectations. And, in His time, He fulfilled every last one of them.

In today’s study of 1 Kings 8, we’ll consider the God who always ‘keeps His promises’ – including those that He has made to you and I.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What are some of the most amazing promises God has ever made?

B) What promises has He made to you for your own future?

C) Why did 1 Kings 8 represent such a high point in Israel’s history?

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Toby B. Holt

Church Website:

The Death And Final Days Of Moses

The Death And Final Days Of Moses

On many occasions, Moses went up a mountain to meet with God. In Deuteronomy 34, he would do so once again – but this time, he would not return. What can we learn from the death and final days of Moses? That will be the focus of today’s study.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) How old was Moses when he died? What was his health like?

B) Who buried Moses? And where is he buried to this day?

C) What did Moses see from the mountain prior to his death?

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Toby B. Holt

Church Website:

The War Against Your Soul (And How To Fight It)

The War Against Your Soul (And How To Fight It)

In 1 Peter 2, the Apostle talked about a ‘war’ waged against the soul of believers. When we think of ‘war,’ we tend to think of external enemies that are coming against us. But that’s not the sort of war that Peter was talking about. Rather, Peter was talking about a war that is going on within our own body (even as Christians). He was talking about a war between our flesh and our spirit.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Peter (and other apostles) use military terms so frequently?

B) In what way is the devil like a ‘roaring lion,’ seeking to devour us?

C) How can we protect ourselves from that which we cannot see?

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Toby B. Holt
Church Website: