Category: Religion & Spirituality

Matthew: What Really Happened On The Cross

Matthew: What Really Happened On The Cross

Darkness. An earthquake. A shock in the temple.

And on top of that, a cry – ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’

What really happened on the cross? What do we make of all the supernatural events that transpired? And what do we make of Christ’s final words? In today’s study, we will consider our Savior’s final moments on Calvary.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did the sky grow dark at 12PM? And what did it signify?

B) Did the Father really turn His face away from the Son?

C) What hope do we find in the darkest chapter in Scripture?

Matthew: The Betrayal At The Last Supper

Matthew: The Betrayal At The Last Supper

In Matthew 26, Jesus sat down. His betrayer joined Him.

In today’s study, Jesus sat down for what we call the ‘Last Supper,’ with His betrayer seated just a few feet away. Our Lord had come to celebrate the Passover with His disciples, knowing this would be their last opportunity to do so. But He also knew the heart (and pending actions) of a man named Judas Iscariot. In today’s study, we’ll consider the high stakes of Matthew 26.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Judas betray Christ? What was his purpose and reward?

B) What doctrines did Jesus emphasize during the ‘Last Supper?’

C) What was about to happen next? What did Jesus expect to occur?

Matthew: Jesus And The Trap In The Temple

Matthew: Jesus And The Trap In The Temple

Jesus was walking into a trap. Several traps, actually.

When Jesus entered the Temple in Matthew 21, the Pharisees, Sadducees and others planned to ask Him questions that might trap or make our Lord look bad before others. They wanted to destroy or hurt His credibility. In today’s study, we’ll see how Jesus responded.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What was the irony about the questions that Jesus was facing?

B) What was the point of Christ’s parable about the wedding feast?

C) What happened to the improperly dressed ‘wedding guest?’



Matthew: The Cleansing Of The Temple

Matthew: The Cleansing Of The Temple

In Matthew 21, Jesus was angry.

Now, how could this be? What could possibly make gentle, loving, patient Jesus so upset? What could cause Him to flip tables and to make a scene? In today’s study, we’ll consider both the circumstances and reasons for Christ’s anger.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Who were the money-changers in the temple? What were they doing?

B) How does this event relate to the time Jesus cursed a fig tree?

C) What does it mean for God’s temple to be a ‘house of prayer?’



Matthew: The Transfiguration Of Jesus

Matthew: The Transfiguration Of Jesus

Jesus, Moses, and Elijah met on the mountaintop. One’s face radiated with divine light. The others did not.

Moses and Elijah were no slouches – these were titans of Jewish history, the very embodiment of the law and the prophets. And yet, when standing next to Jesus, they paled. It was Christ alone that the Father referred to, saying “This is my Son, listen to Him” in Matthew 17.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What was the ‘transfiguration,’ and why did Jesus undergo it?

B) Why did Moses and Elijah appear, and what did they talk about?

C) What was Peter’s mistake, and what forgiveness did he receive?



Matthew: The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail

Matthew: The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail

This was a very wicked region.

In the time of Christ, Caesarea Philippi was the ‘red light district.’ It was filled with pagan people doing pagan things. And yet, this is where Jesus took His disciples in Matthew 16. Why? That will be the focus of today’s study.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Jesus travel to the region known as Hell’s gates?

B) What did He teach His disciples when they got there?

C) Why did Jesus say “on this rock I will build my church?”


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Matthew: The Sermon On The Mount

Matthew: The Sermon On The Mount

It is the most famous sermon ever preached.

In Matthew 5, Jesus starts the ‘Sermon On The Mount’ with a series of blessings (or beatitudes). What were these blessings all about? And how were they received by hurting, downtrodden people who were used to the legalism of the Pharisees?

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) How do the blessings of Matthew 5 contrast to the woes of Matthew 23?

B) Who was Christ’s audience for this particular sermon?

C) What does it mean to be ‘salt’ and ‘light’ in the world around us?

Matthew: The Calling Of The 12 Apostles

Matthew: The Calling Of The 12 Apostles

Who were the 12 Apostles? Well, they weren’t the sort of men you would expect. They weren’t the sort of men that anyone would expect. Fishermen, a tax collector, a Judas – from an earthly perspective, this was a most unlikely bunch. And yet, Christ chose these men to be His friends and ambassadors. What can we learn from their service?

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What is the difference between a ‘disciple’ and an ‘apostle?’

B) What warnings did Jesus give to His apostles about the world?

C) What unique responsibilities were the apostles given?

Matthew: The Faith Of The Roman Centurion

Matthew: The Faith Of The Roman Centurion

Pharisees hated Jesus. This Roman Centurion did not. Throughout the New Testament, the Pharisees antagonized our Savior. They accused and berated Him at every turn. Conversely, there were seven Roman Centurions in the New Testament – and each is portrayed in a more positive light. How can this be?

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Jesus ‘marvel’ at the faith of the Centurion?

B) What stood out about the Centurion’s request?

C) What warning did Jesus give the Jews in Matthew 8?

