Category: Christianity

What is Christianity? What do Christians believe? And why do they believe it, especially given all the other religious and secular viewpoints? Listen to the “Christianity” podcast to learn more.

Into The Darkness Has Come A Great Light

Into The Darkness Has Come A Great Light

Darkness hates the light.

If you turn on the lights in a dark room, everything becomes visible. That’s what light does – it reveals things. With that said, when Jesus Christ (the light of the world) came into this world, the world rejected Him. The world did not want the light that He brought. In today’s sermon from Matthew 4, we’ll consider some of the reasons why.

New Year: Strength And Sanctification In 2023

New Year: Strength And Sanctification In 2023

2023 is here. Last year is gone. Act accordingly.

In Philippians 3, the Apostle Paul said that he was going to forget the past, and push forward to what lay ahead. Paul saw life as a ‘race,’ one that he was committed to running well. What about you? What is your objective for the new year? And how will you reach it? In this sermon, we will consider Paul’s exhortation to the church in Philippi – that they grow stronger and more sanctified in the time to come.”I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:14

Ezekiel: The Future Temple Of God (Week 10)

Ezekiel: The Future Temple Of God (Week 10)

What was the ‘temple’ that Ezekiel described in Chapters 40-48 of his book? Was this SOME FUTURE TEMPLE that will be built in Jerusalem? Or was it symbolic of something else entirely? Click to learn more.

Ezekiel: The Valley Of Dry Bones (Week 9)

Ezekiel: The Valley Of Dry Bones (Week 9)

What was the “VALLEY OF DRY BONES” in Ezekiel 37? For that matter, whose bones were they, and what do these brittle objects represent? In Week 9 of our 10 Week Series on Ezekiel, we will answer these questions and more.

Ezekiel: Hearts Of Stone, Hearts Of Flesh (Week 8)

Ezekiel: Hearts Of Stone, Hearts Of Flesh (Week 8)

Which is harder, creating NEW LIFE, or regenerating a DEAD HEART? The hearts of Ezekiel’s contemporaries were stony. They were dead in their sins and trespasses. They were spiritually flat-lining. So what did they need? The same thing we all need – regeneration. Click to learn more.

Ezekiel: The City Of Tyre And The Serpent (Week 7)

Ezekiel: The City Of Tyre And The Serpent (Week 7)

Pride comes before the fall. It was true of the CITY OF TYRE, and it was true of THE DEVIL as well. In today’s study of Ezekiel 26-28, we see the destruction of the island kingdom of Tyre. We also see a unique reference to the fall of the devil. Both were guilty of similar sins! Click to learn more.

Ezekiel: False Prophets And Dead Prophets (Week 6)

Ezekiel: False Prophets And Dead Prophets (Week 6)

History is filled with false prophets, false teachers, wicked Pharisees, and all manner of religious charlatans. Why would the modern church be any different? Spoiler alert: it’s not. Click to learn about God’s judgment on false teachers from Ezekiel 13.

Ezekiel: God’s Glory Departs The Temple (Week 5)

Ezekiel: God’s Glory Departs The Temple (Week 5)

In Ezekiel 10, God’s glory LEFT the building. Destruction followed. But why did this happen? The people had turned their back on God, and turned toward idols. They had defiled His house. And because of that, Ezekiel had a vision of God’s glory leaving the temple. Would He ever return?

Ezekiel: Then You Will Know I Am The Lord (Week 4)

Ezekiel: Then You Will Know I Am The Lord (Week 4)

When the TRAIN is coming, get off the TRACKS. In Ezekiel’s day, the Israelites were standing on the train tracks of God’s wrath, and were about to get run over. But why? What had they done? Why was God so angry? Click for Week 4 of our new series.