Cremation Or Burial: What Does The Bible Say

Cremation Or Burial: What Does The Bible Say

Is cremation biblical? In 1960, only 4% of Americans were cremated. As of 2020, that number is 52%. Clearly, cremation is considered a viable option for those planning ahead. With that said, what does the Bible have to say on this topic? You may be surprised.

The War Of The Worldviews

The War Of The Worldviews

Wars begin with words. It is words that shape our opinions and outcomes – words, semantics, and definitions form our “worldview.” But where do these words come from? And are their sources reliable? Click to learn more in this sermon on “The War Of The Worldviews.”

In These Last Days

In These Last Days

Are these the last days? According to the author of Hebrews, yes. But in these last days, we are not left alone. In these last days, we do not have to guess about God’s plan. And that’s because in these last days, God has spoken through His Son.

Wind, Waves And The Drowning Man

Wind, Waves And The Drowning Man

Does it feel like you are drowning? For many of us, our present circumstances are so hard or unpleasant, that it feels like we’re drowning. We can’t seem to escape the situation that we’re in! If that’s you today, then click for this encouraging sermon from Jonah 2.

I Believe, Help My Unbelief!

I Believe, Help My Unbelief!

“Lord, I believe, help my unbelief,” the man cried. Like this man, many of us are living in a tension between that which we believe about God, and that which we doubt. Some doubt God’s person – but more often, we doubt God’s plan. If that’s you, then click to be encouraged in this sermon …

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Can You Lose Your Salvation?

Can You Lose Your Salvation?

Are you in danger of “losing” your salvation? Are you one sin or one bad day away from being cast from God’s presence? If you’ve ever wondered these things, then this sermon from John 6 may provide some answers. Click to listen.

Patience In A Perplexing Age

Patience In A Perplexing Age

Masks, viruses, politics – there are a lot of issues out there, capable of dividing one another. It may get worse in the months ahead. The debates in the world around us are tearing at the social fabric. Don’t let it happen in your marriage, family, or church. Click to hear more.

A Storm Is Coming

A Storm Is Coming

There is a storm on the horizon. There is a storm coming that will leave no man, no institution, and no nation untouched. It is a storm that all other storms point forward to. What will you do when it arrives? Click to learn more in this sermon from Matthew 7.

Persecution: The Apostles On Trial

Persecution: The Apostles On Trial

The Gospel, when faithfully preached, will be opposed by a world that hates it. And that opposition may be fierce. But how are we to respond to the world’s barbs and persecution? Click to learn more in this encouraging sermon from Acts 5.