The Promised Messiah

The Promised Messiah

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and …

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Ezekiel: Hearts Of Stone, Hearts Of Flesh (Week 8)

Ezekiel: Hearts Of Stone, Hearts Of Flesh (Week 8)

Which is harder, creating NEW LIFE, or regenerating a DEAD HEART? The hearts of Ezekiel’s contemporaries were stony. They were dead in their sins and trespasses. They were spiritually flat-lining. So what did they need? The same thing we all need – regeneration. Click to learn more.

Salvation: By Grace Or By Works

Salvation: By Grace Or By Works

What is the basis of our salvation, what we believe or what we do? Is salvation a function of our faith or of our works? Join us as our Asst. Pastor, Rev. Gardner Fish, preaches on this text from Galatians 3.

Ezekiel: God’s Glory Departs The Temple (Week 5)

Ezekiel: God’s Glory Departs The Temple (Week 5)

In Ezekiel 10, God’s glory LEFT the building. Destruction followed. But why did this happen? The people had turned their back on God, and turned toward idols. They had defiled His house. And because of that, Ezekiel had a vision of God’s glory leaving the temple. Would He ever return?

Ezekiel: The Watchman (Week 3)

Ezekiel: The Watchman (Week 3)

What does it mean to be A WATCHMAN? Ezekiel was called to be a ‘watchman’ over God’s people, and that involved two things: identifying spiritual danger, and warning the people. Are there any watchmen in our day? Click to learn more.