Category: Religion & Spirituality

Behold What Manner Of Love!

Behold What Manner Of Love!

God does not have any ‘peons’ in Heaven. He has family.

Your salvation accomplishes so much more than just ‘punching your ticket’ to Heaven. Rather, it includes this wonderful outcome: you are treated as family when you get there! God has no peons in Heaven, but He does have sons and daughters. “Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us, that we should be called children of God.”

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What does it mean for God to be our Heavenly ‘Father?’

B) Why was John so amazed that we are called God’s ‘children?’

C) What is your value in God’s eyes? How does He see you now?

Mustard Seed (This Is How The Church Grows)

Mustard Seed (This Is How The Church Grows)

Mustard seeds are small. But they don’t stay that way!

In Matthew 13, Jesus shared the parable of the ‘mustard seed’ in describing the kingdom’s growth. Mustard seed start small. But in time, they grow upward and outward. Now, who did Jesus share this parable with? He shared it with a smattering of disciples on the shoreline. They were few. But fast forward to our day, and the kingdom now fills the entire planet (2.38 billion professing believers).

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What can local churches learn from the ‘mustard seed’ parable?

B) Is growth the church’s objective? What about transformation?

C) What should the church focus on in a time of cultural upheaval?



Hope For Grieving Hearts (Life After Death)

Hope For Grieving Hearts (Life After Death)

If you have lost someone that you love, it is natural to grieve.

With that said, GRIEF is NOT the same as DESPAIR.

In 1 Thessalonians 4, the Apostle Paul makes this distinction. Specifically, he says that although it is OK to lament the loss of a loved one, we do not sorrow as those who have no hope. Reunions are coming. And because of that, our ‘grief’ is tinged with expectation.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why were the Thessalonians so confused about life after death?

B) Will Christians see (and recognize) our loved ones in eternity?

C) How can we be sure of this? What is the basis of our hope?




The Night Is Spent, The Day Is At Hand

The Night Is Spent, The Day Is At Hand

How much time do you have left?

In Romans 13, the Apostle Paul answered that question this way – not much. Specifically, Paul said that “the night is far spent, the day is at hand.” Paul wanted his readers to understand the value of today. He wanted them to live as if their time was both short and precious.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What other passages refer to ‘night and day’ in a similar way?

B) What are the concepts of ‘inner peace’ and ‘inner war?’

C) What is holding us back? What’s keeping us from living in the ‘day?’

The Whole Counsel Of God (Preaching And Teaching)

The Whole Counsel Of God (Preaching And Teaching)

How much of God’s Word should we preach?

To the Apostle Paul, the answer was ALL OF IT. And that’s just what he told the Ephesian elders in Acts 10. He told them that he had not refrained from preaching and teaching the whole counsel of God, and he expected them to do the same.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Paul invite the Ephesian elders to meet with him?

B) Why did Paul tell the elders they’d never see his face again?

C) What other points did Paul emphasize during their last visit?



Intercession: Jesus And The High Priestly Prayer

Intercession: Jesus And The High Priestly Prayer

As Christians, we often remember the things that Jesus has done.

With that said, have you ever wondered: what is He doing now?

Among other things, Jesus is interceding on behalf of His people. You have a divine advocate that is (even now) seeking your welfare! And that should be an encouragement during these difficult days.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why is John 17 referred to as the ‘high priestly prayer?’

B) Who did Jesus pray for in this text? And what did He say?

C) In what way is Jesus interceding for you this very moment?




The Magnificat: Understanding The Song Of Mary

The Magnificat: Understanding The Song Of Mary

What is the ‘Magnificat?’

The ‘magnificat’ is the name that we give to Mary’s song in Luke 1, in which she declares that her soul ‘magnifies the Lord.’ In today’s study, we will see that this is one of the most counter-cultural songs ever written.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

1) What news did the Angel give Mary? What was her response?

2) Why was it necessary that the Messiah be born of a ‘virgin?’

3) What makes the ‘magnificat’ so counter-cultural?



Matthew: The Victory And Resurrection Of Jesus

Matthew: The Victory And Resurrection Of Jesus

Victory is at hand – your story ends well!

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not only the capstone event of the Gospel, but it secures our great future. You see, if the grave didn’t hold Him, then it won’t hold you. And if death can be defeated, then so can all the other hardships that you’re undergoing right now. Today may be difficult, but take heart – your story ends well!

Questions That We’ll Answer In Today’s Study:

1) What really happened on the Sunday after Christ’s death?

2) Who were the eyewitnesses to Christ’s resurrection?

3) What supernatural events rocked Jerusalem on that great day?


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