Category: Religion & Spirituality

Depressed? Remember, You Matter To God!

Depressed? Remember, You Matter To God!

Are you depressed? Are you beaten down? Do you wonder where God is in the middle of your hurts? Then here’s some encouragement: God is near, and He cares.

In Psalm 139, we see that although we travel through some dark valleys, we’re never alone. God is with us. Click for more.

The Renewal Of The Futile Mind (Romans 12)

The Renewal Of The Futile Mind (Romans 12)

The human mind is capable of great things! It is better than any computer; impressive in its ways. However, it is also riddled by sin. It forgets. It is selective in what it believes. It desperately needs to be “renewed.”

Click to listen to this sermon from Romans 12.

The Stoning Of Stephen

The Stoning Of Stephen

Stephen told people the truth. And they killed him for it.

The story of Stephen (in Acts 7) is typical in Scripture – a faithful man tells people the truth, and they respond by killing him. But why? Why this ferocity? Why this anger? Click to learn more.

Pandemics & Hurricanes: The Groaning Of Creation

Pandemics & Hurricanes: The Groaning Of Creation

Pandemics, hurricanes, earthquakes – these things SCREAM at us that the world is BROKEN. But why is that? And if it’s broken, how did it happen, and when will it be fixed?

Click for this encouraging sermon from Romans 8.

The Thoughts That You Think (Phillippians, Ch. 4)

The Thoughts That You Think (Phillippians, Ch. 4)

What do you tend to think about? Do you think good thoughts, or bad ones? Do you focus on good things, or bad things?

The focus of your thoughts will direct your future. That is the Apostle Paul’s warning in today’s text in Philippians 4.

Stand Fast In The Lord (Philippians, Ch. 4)

Stand Fast In The Lord (Philippians, Ch. 4)

Will you stand tall if you face opposition? Standing is easy when there are no forces acting against you. It is harder when you are being pushed or pulled contrary to your will.

Click to listen to Week 8 in our study of Philippians.

Citizens Of Heaven (Philippians, Ch. 3)

Citizens Of Heaven (Philippians, Ch. 3)

This world is NOT your home. You may think it is – but in the larger scheme of things, it is absolutely not. It is a short stay. It is a temporary pit-stop on an eternal highway.

Click to listen to this reminder that the Christian’s “citizenship” is in Heaven.

Your Past, Present, & Future (Philippians, Ch. 3)

Your Past, Present, & Future (Philippians, Ch. 3)

Your future IS better than your past. There IS hope on the horizon. That’s the message of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3, when he talks about “pressing on” toward an encouraging future – no matter how bad your past has been.

Click to listen to our latest study in the Book of Philippians.

Work Out Your Salvation (Philippians, Ch. 2)

Work Out Your Salvation (Philippians, Ch. 2)

“Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” What did Paul mean in this statement? What kind of “work” was he talking about, and why is it done “with fear?”

Click to learn more in Week 4 of our study on the Book of Philippians.

Every Knee Shall Bow (Philippians, Ch. 2)

Every Knee Shall Bow (Philippians, Ch. 2)

Jesus can relate to what you’re going through. Philippians 2 says that He took on our nature and likeness, and experienced our hurts and pains. We refer to this as the “humility” or “condescension” of Christ.

However, Philippians not only says that Jesus was humbled, it also says that He was exalted. Click to learn more in Week 3 of our study.