Category: Bible Study

What does the Bible teach? How do those teachings hold up, centuries after it was written? And what does the Bible’s words mean for you and I are to live?

Church Leadership (The Role Of Elders & Deacons)

Church Leadership (The Role Of Elders & Deacons)

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Church Leadership (The Role Of Elders & Deacons)
Subtitle: The Church, Worship, And Music
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 9/6/2018
Bible: 1 Peter 5; 1 Timothy 3
Length: 29 min.

Overview: What does biblical leadership look like? How is the local church to be governed? And what is the proper role of the church’s officers? Click to learn more, in this sermon from 1 Peter 5.

Christ’s Words To The Down, Depressed And Despairing

Christ’s Words To The Down, Depressed And Despairing

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Christ’s Words To The Down, Depressed, Despairing
Subtitle: Depression
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/30/2018
Bible: Matthew 4; Matthew 5
Length: 31 min.

Overview: God cares about what you’re going through. And in Matthew 4, He proves it. Click to hear this encouraging sermon from Matthew 4-23-25.

The Devil’s Motives (In The Temptation Of Jesus)

The Devil’s Motives (In The Temptation Of Jesus)

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: The Devil’s Motives (In The Temptation Of Jesus)
Subtitle: Be Holy: The Christian’s Walk
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/12/2018
Bible: Luke 4; Matthew 4
Length: 34 min.

Overview: Does the devil think that he can win? And why does he do the things that he does? In Luke 4, Jesus is led out into the wilderness, where the devil tempted Him for forty days. Click to learn more about their encounter in this sermon from Luke 4.

Jesus The Child: A Study Of Christ’s Youth

Jesus The Child: A Study Of Christ’s Youth

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Jesus The Child (Going About His Father’s Business)
Subtitle: Jesus Christ (Person And Work)
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/5/2018
Bible: Luke 2; Luke 2:49,52
Length: 30 min.

Overview: What do we know about Jesus the child? Was He similar to other children? How did He differ? And how can we be encouraged by what we know of his youth? Click to hear this fascinating sermon about “Jesus the child,” in a study of Luke 2.

Flesh And Blood: The God Who Can Relate To You

Flesh And Blood: The God Who Can Relate To You

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Introduction To The Incarnation (Christ’s Humanity)
Subtitle: Jesus Christ (Person And Work)
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 7/22/2018
Bible: John 1; John 1:1
Length: 27 min.

Overview: Jesus has empathy for you. And that empathy is a byproduct of His humanity – through the incarnation, your Creator can relate to you, and to your hurts and experiences! Click to hear this introductory sermon about the “humanity of Christ,” in a study of John 1-1-14.

Why Did God Make Me This Way (God’s Design)

Why Did God Make Me This Way (God’s Design)

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Why Did God Make Me This Way (God’s Plan For You)
Subtitle: Apologetics: Creation & Design
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 7/8/2018
Bible: Psalm 19; Psalm 139
Length: 33 min.

Overview: Why did God make me this way? What is my purpose? What is my reason for being? And if the Bible says that it’s a good purpose, then why do I face so many obstacles in accomplishing it? Click to hear how God has “wired” you in this sermon from Psalm 139.

Heaven: What Awaits Us, According To Christ

Heaven: What Awaits Us, According To Christ

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Heaven: What Awaits Us, According To Christ
Subtitle: Evangelism. Sharing The Gospel
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 6/17/2018
Bible: John 13; John 14; Revelation 21
Length: 28 min.

Overview: What will Heaven be like? The best “eyewitness” to Heaven is the One who rules there. And in John 14, Jesus gives us a wonderful and encouraging glimpse into His heavenly Kingdom. Click to listen to this exciting sermon.

Is God Fair Or Unfair (“The Last Shall Be First”)

Is God Fair Or Unfair (“The Last Shall Be First”)

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Is God Fair Or Unfair (“The Last Shall Be First”)
Subtitle: Apologetics: General
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/27/2018
Bible: Matthew 19; Matthew 20
Length: 31 min.

Overview: Is God “fair” or “unfair”? On a couple of different occasions, Jesus deliberately upended people’s understanding of what “fairness” is. People tend to presume that God sees the world the way that they do, and does what they would do. But that’s not always the way it works. Click to hear this sermon from Matthew 19.

The Christian Faith Is Not “Intellectual Suicide”

The Christian Faith Is Not “Intellectual Suicide”

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: The Christian Faith Is Not “Intellectual Suicide”
Subtitle: Apologetics: General
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/6/2018
Bible: 1 Corinthians 2; 1 Corinthians 2:1,4
Length: 31 min.

Overview: The fool says in his heart, “there is no God.” Is he right? Is having faith the equivalent of committing “intellectual suicide?” Click to hear this sermon from 1 Corinthians 2-1-5.

Anathema: The Danger Of Preaching Another Gospel

Anathema: The Danger Of Preaching Another Gospel

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Anathema: The Danger Of Preaching Another Gospel
Subtitle: Apologetics: The Bible
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 4/29/2018
Bible: Galatians 1; Galatians 1:6,8
Length: 35 min.

Overview: How many “gospels” can there be? One? Two? Ten? In Galatians 1, the Apostle Paul said that “if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.” What did he mean? Click to listen to this study of Paul’s words to the Galatians.