Category: Bible Study

What does the Bible teach? How do those teachings hold up, centuries after it was written? And what does the Bible’s words mean for you and I are to live?

The Poor, The Broken, And The Down And Out

The Poor, The Broken, And The Down And Out

It is easy to become JADED toward the needs of others. It is also WRONG.

From one end of Scripture to the other, God’s love for the poor, broken and hurting is always on display. As Christians, we should reflect that love. In this sermon we discuss how.

O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Micah’s Prophecy)

O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Micah’s Prophecy)

The prophets spoke. The people didn’t listen. For centuries, the people had ignored the prophets. But the prophets were consistently right. And Micah was definitely right about this – a KING was coming, to be born in BETHLEHEM. And that King would change the world.

How Majestic Is Your Name, O Lord

How Majestic Is Your Name, O Lord

The Jews stopped saying God’s name in the 5th century BC. Why?

There are a lot of reasons for this. Among them was that God’s name is holy and not to be taken lightly. So how do we approach His name now? Click to learn more about the “name” of God.

One Came Back – But The Others Did Not

One Came Back – But The Others Did Not

Ten men stood on the edge of town. They were broken. They were desperate. And then the most amazing thing happened – their greatest desires were fulfilled!

But what happened next? How did they respond? Click to learn more.

Tear Down Your High Places

Tear Down Your High Places

You’re making progress. Good. But there is some issue in your life that you haven’t addressed – some issue that you have been unwilling to deal with. Some sin that you’re letting hang on.

In Judah, there were a number of good kings. But even the good kings did not take down the “high places” of idolatry. They kept them up. And God held that decision against them. They went so far in their reforms, but they did not go all the way. Click to learn more in this sermon from 2 Kings.

Consider The Source: Who Are You Listening To?

Consider The Source: Who Are You Listening To?

Everyone is someone’s disciple. Someone is teaching you. Someone is attempting to remake you in their image. The question is: who? As a Christian, you need to consider the sources that are instructing you and your children (from church to the media to schooling). Not everyone can be right about the big questions in life, and some sources are outright wrong and depraved. Click to listen to this relevant sermon from Colossians 2.

The Reformation: I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel

The Reformation: I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel

Don’t do it. Don’t water down the Gospel. Don’t pander to sinners. Don’t appease goats and starve sheep. Don’t let people die on your watch. Tell people the truth!

In Romans 1, the Apostle Paul said “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” We shouldn’t be either. Click to listen to this convicting sermon from Dr. Holt.

Remember Your History (The Future Depends On It)

Remember Your History (The Future Depends On It)

Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it. If a church or an individual repeats silly, stupid or sinful decisions of the past, then they are like a dog that returns to its own vomit – and they pay the price. Click to listen to this timely sermon from Psalm 78.

Depressed? Remember, You Matter To God!

Depressed? Remember, You Matter To God!

Are you depressed? Are you beaten down? Do you wonder where God is in the middle of your hurts? Then here’s some encouragement: God is near, and He cares.

In Psalm 139, we see that although we travel through some dark valleys, we’re never alone. God is with us and has ordained good on our horizon. Click for more.

The Renewal Of The Futile Mind

The Renewal Of The Futile Mind

The human mind is capable of great things! It is better than any computer; impressive in its ways. However, it is also riddled by sin. It forgets. It is selective in what it believes. It desperately needs to be “renewed.” Click to listen to this sermon from Romans 12.