Category: Apologetics

Contend and defend for the Christian faith.

John: The Motives Of Mankind

John: The Motives Of Mankind

Motives matter.

For example, some people pursued Christ with good, positive intentions.

But others (like Judas Iscariot) had selfish or wicked motives.

What are your own motives in coming to Christ?

Is it for His glory and interests, or for yours?

That will be the focus of today’s study in John 12.

John: Lazarus And The Timing Of God

John: Lazarus And The Timing Of God

He let him die.

That’s what the people were thinking.

Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, and rather than go to him, He let him die.

But that’s not what happened, was it?

Instead, Jesus permitted a difficult situation in order to bring about a miraculous outcome. We will consider that outcome in today’s study of John 11.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Jesus wait so long to go to Lazarus?

B) Where is Jesus when His people need Him?

C) How does God bring good out of evil?



John: The Good Shepherd (And The Wolves)

John: The Good Shepherd (And The Wolves)

What makes a ‘good’ shepherd?

He doesn’t run when the wolves come.

In John 10, Jesus faced all sorts of ‘wolves.’ From Pharisees, to Romans, to the Devil himself, Jesus was always in grave danger.But so were His sheep! And so, instead of running, Jesus faced the evils of this world on their behalf. Then, He drank down the cup of God’s wrath on Calvary. Truly, there has never been a Shepherd like Jesus of Nazareth – the One who gave His life to save His flock.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What two jobs do shepherds have?

B) Why did Jesus refer to ‘sheep not of this fold?’

C) What are the implications of being a ‘sheep?’




John: The Trap (A Story Of Sin And Stones)

John: The Trap (A Story Of Sin And Stones)

She was guilty. No doubt about it.

As the woman stood before Jesus, no one defended her actions – not even her. She was guilty.

So what would Jesus do?

That’s what they all wondered.

The Pharisees had set this whole encounter up to trap Jesus. How would He deal with her sin and her guilt? Would He condemn her and risk the wrath of Rome? Would He free her and reject the law’s demands? What would He do? They were not ready for His answer.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What is the ‘divine dilemma?’

B) What was the trap set in John 8?

C) How can a holy God forgive sinners?




John: The Hard Teachings Of Jesus

John: The Hard Teachings Of Jesus

Some things are hard to believe. Others are hard to accept.

At the start of John 6, thousands pursued Jesus. By the end, few remained. What happened to the rest?

The short answer: they heard Jesus talk, and they didn’t like what He said. They could not accept His difficult teachings, and so they left.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What drew people to Jesus initially?

B) What caused His disciples to remain?

C) What does this say about us?



John: The Feeding Of The 5000

John: The Feeding Of The 5000

It was late. The people were hungry.

Thousands had followed Jesus out of desperation. They were sick, hurting, and now starving. And as Jesus looked out at the crowds, He had compassion. In today’s study, we’ll see how He responded.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did the people follow Jesus?

B) Why didn’t they bring food?

C) What sign did Jesus perform, and why?



John: A Healing On The Sabbath

John: A Healing On The Sabbath

“Do you want to be made well?”

That was Christ’s question of the sick man.

It is also Christ’s question of you.

Do you want to be made well? And what do you want to be made well from?This will be the focus of today’s sermon from John 5.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What was Christ’s objective?

B) Why did He enter the ‘Sheep Gate?’

C) Who did He seek out, and why?



John: The Encounter At The Well

John: The Encounter At The Well

Surprising. Shocking. Scandalous.

Jews and Samaritans were NOT supposed to interact. Their mutual hatred went back generations. And yet, here Jesus was, not only talking with this woman in John 4 – but asking her for water. What was this encounter all about?

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What was the history of the Samaritans? Who were they?

B) What had the woman done to be ostracized by her own people?

C) What did Jesus tell the woman – and why was it so encouraging?




John: What It Means To Be Born Again

John: What It Means To Be Born Again

To Nicodemus, it seemed like crazy talk.

But to Jesus, this was serious business. If God’s people are to be saved, we must first be ‘born again.’ So what does that term mean? And how does it happen? In today’s study, we’ll dive into the critical topic of regeneration.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Who was Nicodemus, and why did he go to Jesus?

B) Why did Jesus say Nicodemus must be ‘born again?’

C) What are the implications for the rest of us?





John: Water Into Wine (The Miracle At Cana)

John: Water Into Wine (The Miracle At Cana)

It wasn’t just a miracle – it was a sign.

In John 2, Jesus attended a wedding. And at this wedding He performed His first recorded miracle (turning water into wine). So, what was this miracle really about? As we’ll see, it pointed forward to the cross – even if no one knew it at the time.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Jesus tell Mary that His ‘hour had not come?’

B) In what way(s) did this miracle point forward to Calvary?

C) How is John 2 a ‘bookend’ with John 19?


