Category: Amenistry

Worship As A Joy, Not A Chore

Worship As A Joy, Not A Chore

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Worship As A Joy, Not A Chore
Subtitle: The Church, Worship, And Music
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 7/24/2016
Bible: Psalm 95; Psalm 48
Length: 32 min. (64kbps)

The Who, What, And Why Of Evangelism

The Who, What, And Why Of Evangelism

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: The Who, What, And Why Of Evangelism
Subtitle: Evangelism, Sharing The Gospel
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 7/10/2016
Bible: Matthew 9; Matthew 9:37,38
Length: 31 min. (64kbps)

Set Apart To Stand Apart

Set Apart To Stand Apart

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Set Apart To Stand Apart
Subtitle: Be Holy: The Christian’s Walk
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 6/19/2016
Bible: 1 Peter 2; 1 Peter 2:11
Length: 33 min. (64kbps)

Overview: Scripture tells us we are special in God’s eyes- we are holy and set apart. Furthermore, Scripture says we are -aliens- and -strangers- in this world.—-If that’s so, then why do we act like homesteaders, or sleepy tenants- Why do we try to carve out utopia in a warzone—–Click to hear this sermon from 1 Peter 2, Verses 9-12.

When Our Loved Ones Are Lost

When Our Loved Ones Are Lost

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: When Our Loved Ones Are Lost
Subtitle: Evangelism. Sharing The Gospel
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/1/2016
Bible: James 5; James 5:19,20
Length: 32 min. (64kbps)

Overview: Is there someone you love dearly, who doesn’t know Christ—–As believers, our hearts ache for those who don’t have a saving relationship with Jesus. If we know such people, how can we help- What should we do—–Click to hear this sermon from James 5-19-20.

Marriage, Divorce, Adultery & Pornography

Marriage, Divorce, Adultery & Pornography

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Marriage, Divorce, Adultery & Pornography
Subtitle: Marriage & Relationships
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 3/6/2016
Bible: Genesis 2; Genesis 2:18,23
Length: 32 min. (64kbps)

Overview: Marriage is a big deal to God—–Marriage typifies things that are even greater than itself – such as the Trinity, or the love of Christ for the church. Marriage matters, and it is meant to last- Click to learn more.

Tell God. Ask God. Trust God

Tell God. Ask God. Trust God

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Tell God. Ask God. Trust God
Subtitle: Worry & Anxiety: Overcoming It
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 2/21/2016
Bible: 2 Samuel 5:19; Matthew 7:7
Length: 37 min. (64kbps)

God’s Hands; God’s Plans

God’s Hands; God’s Plans

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: God’s Hands; God’s Plans
Subtitle: Apologetics: Creation & Design
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 10/18/2015
Bible: Psalm 139; Psalm 139:13
Length: 41 min. (64kbps)

Overview: How do we know what our “purpose” in life is? As created beings, then our design, circumstances, and purpose must flow from our Creator. It cannot be otherwise. Click above to hear more, in this sermon from Psalm 139.

The Giant That You’re Facing Now

The Giant That You’re Facing Now

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: The Giant You’re Facing Now
Subtitle: Worry & Anxiety: Overcoming It
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 9/20/2015
Bible: 1 Samuel 17; 1 Samuel 17:32
Length: 36 min. (64kbps)

We’re More Than Conquerors (Through Christ)

We’re More Than Conquerors (Through Christ)

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: We’re More Than Conquerors (Through Christ)
Subtitle: Depression, Anxiety And Pain
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 9/6/2015
Bible: Romans 8; Romans 8:31,37,39
Length: 32 min. (64kbps)

Overview: God is not a passive bystander to our lives. Rather, He is an active participant, a ceaseless encourager, and a fount of strength. What does this make us——More than conquerors.-

Are You A Distracted Disciple?

Are You A Distracted Disciple?

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Are You A Distracted Disciple?
Subtitle: Be Holy: The Christian’s Walk
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/16/2015
Bible: Ephesians 5; Ephesians 5:15
Length: 35 min. (64kbps)

Overview: Are you a distracted disciple—–If you were to match up your spiritual footsteps with Christ’s, do yours follow His- Does your walk imitate your Savior’s, or do you find yourself wandering, chasing things to His periphery-