Category: Amenistry

When We Come To The End Of Ourselves

When We Come To The End Of Ourselves

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: When We Come To The End Of Ourselves
Subtitle: The Healing Ministry Of Jesus
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 1/14/2018
Bible: Luke 17; Luke 17:17,19
Length: 31 min. (64kbps)

Overview: Are you down, frustrated, or at the end of your ability to cope? If God loves us, then He will regularly allow things to come on our radar that cause us to turn to Him. That may be the case for you this week. If so, then click to hear this encouraging word from Luke 17.

God In The Workplace – Jobs, Roles, & Vocations

God In The Workplace – Jobs, Roles, & Vocations

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: God In The Workplace – Jobs, Roles, & Vocations
Subtitle: Be Holy: The Christian’s Walk
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/6/2017
Bible: Colossians 3; Colossians 3:23,24
Length: 32 min. (64kbps)

Overview: What role does our faith play in our jobs or labors—–In the latter half of Colossians 3, Paul is talking about the -roles- that God’s people have, including those in our vocation or on the homefront. —-Click to hear this sermon on ‘God In The Workplace.’

Can I Be Sure That I Am Saved (How To Know)

Can I Be Sure That I Am Saved (How To Know)

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Can I Be Sure That I Am Saved (How To Know)
Subtitle: Regeneration, Election, Calvin
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 12/3/2017
Bible: 1 John 2; 1 John 2:3,4,5
Length: 32 min. (64kbps)

Overview: Can you be confident that you are saved? Can you know for sure? How about other people, is there any way to assess the spiritual condition or salvation of someone else? Click above to hear this sermon from 1 John 2.

The Church Takes A Stand

The Church Takes A Stand

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: The Church Takes A Stand
Subtitle: The Church, Worship, And Music
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 6/11/2017
Bible: 1 Corinthians 1; 1 Corinthians 1:18,23
Length: 32 min. (64kbps)

Missions And The Care Of Our Missionaries

Missions And The Care Of Our Missionaries

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Missions And The Care Of Our Missionaries
Subtitle: Evangelism, Sharing The Gospel
Speaker: Dr. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/14/2017
Bible: Philippians 4; Philippians 4:10,15
Length: 29 min. (64kbps)

Overview: What is it to be -kingdom minded——The church in Philippi had plenty to worry about on their own. However, the Philippians knew that the kingdom of God extended beyond their congregation. —-Click to hear how the Philippians supported the ministry of the Apostle Paul, in this sermon from Philippians 4-10-19.

Real Hope Starts Here (The Easter Sermon)

Real Hope Starts Here (The Easter Sermon)

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Real Hope Starts Here: Considering The Resurrection
Subtitle: Apologetics
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 4/16/2017
Bible: Luke 24; Luke 24:36,44
Length: 35 min. (64kbps)

Overview: Jesus died. But He didn’t stay dead. And if death can be defeated, so can all the hurts and pains of our fallen world. Click to hear this encouraging sermon from Luke 24-36-53.

Prayer: How It Works, And Why It Matters

Prayer: How It Works, And Why It Matters

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Prayer: How It Works, And Why It Matters
Subtitle: Depression, Anxiety And Pain
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 4/2/2017
Bible: James 5; James 5:16,17
Length: 37 min. (64kbps)

Overview: Is your prayer life stuck in neutral—–Click above to listen to this sermon from James 5, as James talks about -powerful, effective prayer.-

When We Ask God, “What’s The Point?”

When We Ask God, “What’s The Point?”

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: When We Ask God, “What’s The Point?”
Subtitle: Malachi: Worship & God’s Glory
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 3/19/2017
Bible: Malachi 3; Malachi 3:14,15
Length: 34 min. (64kbps)

Overview: What’s the point? Given all the hurts and hardships of day-to-day life, what’s the point of one’s faithfulness? That was the question of the people in Malachi’s day. Click above to listen to this sermon from Malachi 3.

God Will Get Your Attention

God Will Get Your Attention

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: God Will Get Your Attention
Subtitle: Malachi: Worship & God’s Glory
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 2/19/2017
Bible: Malachi 1; Malachi 1:6
Length: 37 min. (64kbps)

Overview: God does not play second-fiddle to anything or anyone else. And when our hearts wander, He will get our attention. Click above to hear a sermon from Malachi 1-1-14.

Hallmarks And Habits Of A Healthy Church

Hallmarks And Habits Of A Healthy Church

A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on with the following details:

Title: Hallmarks And Habits Of A Healthy Church
Subtitle: The Church, Worship, And Music
Speaker: Rev. Toby B. Holt
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 1/15/2017
Bible: Acts 2; Acts 2:42,45
Length: 32 min. (64kbps)