Month: February 2025

John: The Arrival Of The Messiah

John: The Arrival Of The Messiah

Jesus wept on Palm Sunday.

While others shouted ‘Hosanna’ and laid down palm branches, Jesus wept.

But why?

Because He knew something the others did not.

In today’s study, we’ll consider what that was.


Speaker: Rev. Dr. Toby Holt

Text: John 12:12-19

John: The Motives Of Mankind

John: The Motives Of Mankind

Motives matter.

For example, some people pursued Christ with good, positive intentions.

But others (like Judas Iscariot) had selfish or wicked motives.

What are your own motives in coming to Christ?

Is it for His glory and interests, or for yours?

That will be the focus of today’s study in John 12.

John: Lazarus And The Timing Of God

John: Lazarus And The Timing Of God

He let him die.

That’s what the people were thinking.

Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, and rather than go to him, He let him die.

But that’s not what happened, was it?

Instead, Jesus permitted a difficult situation in order to bring about a miraculous outcome. We will consider that outcome in today’s study of John 11.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Jesus wait so long to go to Lazarus?

B) Where is Jesus when His people need Him?

C) How does God bring good out of evil?

