Month: December 2024

John: The Feeding Of The 5000

John: The Feeding Of The 5000

It was late. The people were hungry.

Thousands had followed Jesus out of desperation. They were sick, hurting, and now starving. And as Jesus looked out at the crowds, He had compassion. In today’s study, we’ll see how He responded.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did the people follow Jesus?

B) Why didn’t they bring food?

C) What sign did Jesus perform, and why?



John: A Healing On The Sabbath

John: A Healing On The Sabbath

“Do you want to be made well?”

That was Christ’s question of the sick man.

It is also Christ’s question of you.

Do you want to be made well? And what do you want to be made well from?This will be the focus of today’s sermon from John 5.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What was Christ’s objective?

B) Why did He enter the ‘Sheep Gate?’

C) Who did He seek out, and why?



John: The Encounter At The Well

John: The Encounter At The Well

Surprising. Shocking. Scandalous.

Jews and Samaritans were NOT supposed to interact. Their mutual hatred went back generations. And yet, here Jesus was, not only talking with this woman in John 4 – but asking her for water. What was this encounter all about?

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What was the history of the Samaritans? Who were they?

B) What had the woman done to be ostracized by her own people?

C) What did Jesus tell the woman – and why was it so encouraging?


