Month: October 2024

John: A Voice In The Wilderness

John: A Voice In The Wilderness

John the Baptist had one job.

John came to prepare people to meet Jesus. Specifically, he would ‘make straight the way of the Lord,’ as the prophet Isaiah had foretold. But the people wouldn’t listen. John would be a voice crying in the wilderness. He would be misunderstood, and eventually killed. And the same would happen to the Messiah.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why was John ‘baptizing’ people? What kind of baptism was this?

B) Why did John say ‘behold the Lamb’ when he saw Jesus approach?

C) What’s the difference between ‘appeasement’ and ‘atonement?’




John: The Eyewitness To The Messiah

John: The Eyewitness To The Messiah

Christianity: rooted in history, backed by eyewitnesses.

In John 1, the author skips the greetings and goes straight to the heart of the matter: he and others saw, heard, and observed the Messiah. “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” he declared. In today’s study, we’ll consider the historical facts that support our faith.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did John refer to Jesus as ‘the Word?’

B) In what way is Jesus also ‘the light’ that came into the world?

C) What are the implications of Christ’s incarnation to you and I?




Jericho’s Fall: The Walls Came Tumbling Down

Jericho’s Fall: The Walls Came Tumbling Down

Jericho had massive walls. It didn’t matter.

There are no walls that can deter God’s Wrath. And there is no army that can stop those who serve Him. In Joshua 6, we will study both points in one of the most famous (and faith-building) passages in Scripture.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) How big was Jericho’s outer wall? Did it have an inner wall as well?

B) What tool or weapon was used to bring the walls down?

C) What can we learn from the battle at Jericho that applies to us?




Jesus: The (Only) Name That Saves

Jesus: The (Only) Name That Saves

No. Other. Name.

As he felt the Sanhedrin’s angry gaze, Peter stood firm. There’s no other name, there’s no other door, there’s no other way by which fallen sinners can be reconciled to God. Not two. Not ten. Just one, Peter declared. Jesus Christ is the singular means of salvation.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What are the implications of this statement to other religions?

B) What were the implications to Peter’s original audience?

C) What sort of opposition does such an exclusive claim create?


