Month: August 2024

Genesis: Dreams In The Dungeon

Genesis: Dreams In The Dungeon

In Genesis 40, Joseph was in prison.

Now, he did not deserve to be there. He’d done nothing wrong. And he must have wondered what part his shackles played in God’s plans. Hadn’t God given him a dream of a great and glorious future? Well, in today’s text, two other men would have dreams – and their interpretation would play a huge role in Joseph’s story.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What were the dreams of the Butler and Baker all about?

B) Did these men deserve to be in jail? If so, what had they done?

C) What did their dreams mean for them (and for Joseph)?



Genesis: Joseph And The Coat Of Many Colors

Genesis: Joseph And The Coat Of Many Colors

Joseph’s story started poorly.

Within moments of being introduced in Scripture, Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers. And not long after, he found himself in prison. So, where was God when calamity struck? That will be the focus of today’s study in Genesis 37.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him so much?

B) Why did God allow Joseph to face so many hardships?

C) Where is God when our own circumstances grow dark?




Genesis: Wrestling With God

Genesis: Wrestling With God

In Genesis 32, Jacob was ready for a fight.

Jacob was no stranger to conflict, but this time was different. In Genesis 32, as darkness closed in, he prepared for a confrontation with his brother Esau. However, the figure who grabbed him that night was not who he expected.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Who was it that Jacob wrestled with in Genesis 32?

B) What was the point of this wrestling match?

C) How was Jacob changed forever as a result?

