Month: July 2024

Genesis: Jacob’s Ladder – What Was It?

Genesis: Jacob’s Ladder – What Was It?

In Genesis 28, Jacob dreamed of a ladder.

The ladder reached all the way from Heaven to Earth.

So, what was this dream all about? For centuries, no one knew. For centuries, it remained a mystery. But then, in the first chapter of John, the answer was finally provided.Join us as we consider ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ in today’s study of Genesis.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why was Jacob all alone, using a rock for a pillow?

B) What was the nature of his dream – and what exactly did he see?

C) What was Jacob’s response (after waking from this dream)?



Genesis: The Blessing And The Betrayal

Genesis: The Blessing And The Betrayal

Jacob must have been one rotten kid!

In spite of God’s clear direction, and although his other son was a numskull, Isaac did not want Jacob to receive his blessing. If it were up to Isaac, it would be Esau who would carry the family line forward. Jacob was not an option. However, God’s decree would not be thwarted, would it? That will be the focus of today’s study in Genesis 27.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) Why did Isaac prefer Esau? What were his reasons?

B) Was the ‘ruse’ of Jacob and his mother Rebecca actually a sin?

C) What can we learn from the brokenness of this patriarchal family?



Genesis: The Patriarchs And Predestination

Genesis: The Patriarchs And Predestination

Meet Abraham. Isaac. Jacob.

These men, hailed as the ‘patriarchs’ of the Old Testament, helped shape the entire narrative of our faith.They were also sinners. Big, big sinners. In today’s sermon, we’ll see that the patriarchs needed God’s grace every bit as much as we do. And God gave it to them! His providential care is seen in every part of Genesis 25.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) In what way are the patriarchs the ‘Mt. Rushmore’ of the OT?

B) Why them? In other words, why did God choose these three men?

C) What does this text tell us about the doctrine of ‘predestination?’



Genesis: A Father’s Sacrifice Of A Son

Genesis: A Father’s Sacrifice Of A Son

In Genesis 22, God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. Why?

For many, this event is one of the most confusing in all of Scripture – why would God tell Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? What was His purpose? And then, why would He tell Abraham to stay his knife? In today’s study, we will study this difficult and heartrending event.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

1) What was God’s purpose here? Was He testing Abraham?

2) What did Abraham think would happen on Mt. Moriah?

3) How does this event foreshadow Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary?

