Month: June 2024

Genesis: The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah

Genesis: The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah

Sodom and Gomorrah are the poster children for God’s wrath.

In Genesis 19, we read of a cautionary tale to a world hellbent on offending a holy God. Specifically, Genesis 19 describes the destruction of these two cities. The destruction was horrific. It was severe. And yet, in Matthew 10, Jesus says that an even worse judgment will befall those places that reject the Gospel.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

1) What was the sin (or sins) of Sodom and Gomorrah?

2) Why was God willing to relent if 10 righteous were found there?

3) What did Jesus mean in Matthew 10 (when He referred to Sodom)?



Genesis: Abraham, Sarah, And God’s Big Promise

Genesis: Abraham, Sarah, And God’s Big Promise

In Genesis 18 made a promise so outrageous that Sarah laughed.

The promises that He has made you are bigger.

Throughout Scripture, God has promised to save and sanctify you, to wipe away all your tears, and to dwell with you in Paradise for eternity. Now those are promises! But how can we be sure they apply to us (and that they will be fulfilled)? That will be the focus of today’s sermon.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

1) Who were the three men that appeared to Abraham in the desert?

2) What promises did One of the men make to Abraham and Sarah?

3) Why did Sarah laugh, and what was God’s reaction to that laughter?




Genesis: Abraham, The Friend Of God

Genesis: Abraham, The Friend Of God

God made Abraham mind-boggling promises. Abraham believed Him.

In Genesis 12, Abraham was introduced with little fanfare. He was a man from a pagan family and a pagan background. And yet, God was going to make this nobody a series of incredible promises – promises that Abraham believed in, and then acted accordingly.

Questions That We’ll Answer:

A) What were these amazing promises? And how many were there?

B) Who are the true children of Abraham? Are you one of his children?

C) What does it mean to be called a ‘friend’ of God?

